Nancy Negrette-Jones

Nancy Negrette-Jones's Fundraiser

Help cancer patients in our community! image

Help cancer patients in our community!

Can I count on your support?

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$1,095 towards $250

Cancer patients are among the most vulnerable and they need our help now more than ever! Let’s make a difference and help improve the lives of those affected by cancer.

Funds will benefit Michelle's Place Cancer Resource Center, a local grass-roots organization dedicated to providing much needed programs and services that support cancer patients and their families.

To reach my goal of $250 I am asking 50 of my family & friends to make just a $5 donation!

Join me on Saturday, May 16th, for the virtual Walk of Hope. I'll be walking in honor of my MOM and all who have lost their

brave battle to cancer.

Thank you for your support! Nancy xoxo